Earth's Sweat Lodge
Current Events, Earth Jesse Keeler Current Events, Earth Jesse Keeler

Earth's Sweat Lodge

As human-induced Climate Change breaks the stability of the environment that has allowed our species to flourish, is the Earth giving us pause to remember who our sacred host is as we journey around the Sun? To ask ourselves, what am I doing now to honor Life’s host?

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Steps to Saving the Earth
Earth Jesse Keeler Earth Jesse Keeler

Steps to Saving the Earth

… 5-easy steps to saving the Earth from humans or 6-things you can do to keep living like you have been taught without having to inconvenience yourself …

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Earth Doesn't Care About Stakeholder Profits
My Path, Earth Jesse Keeler My Path, Earth Jesse Keeler

Earth Doesn't Care About Stakeholder Profits

We humans can continue to indulge our lust for convenience and comfort. We can pretend our actions that violate the Earth have no consequences. We can ignore scientific research that shows unprecedented changes in the environment we humans rely on. We can continue with business as usual. But the Earth has no obligation to corporate shareholder profits.

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