Earth Doesn't Care About Stakeholder Profits

A few days ago I wrote about my beloved neighborhood tree. Earlier today I stopped by to spend time with my leafy friend. As I admired their branches I saw the careless damage done during a recent pruning. It broke my heart. My friend still stands strong even after all the abuse it has suffered at the hands of humans, but I have a growing anger about it.

Too many of us humans treat the Earth like our slave. Extracting whatever we want to satisfy our every whim. Taking the bounty of Earth for granted. Plundering Earth’s treasures without accountability.

We humans can continue to indulge our lust for convenience and comfort. We can pretend our actions that violate the Earth have no consequences. We can ignore scientific research that shows unprecedented changes in the environment we humans rely on. We can continue with business as usual. But the Earth has no obligation to corporate shareholder profits. And have no doubt about it, the Earth will do what the Earth needs to do need to do, without our consultation, to restore balance.

Continue to contaminate your bed, and you will one night suffocate in your own waste.
- Chief Seattle -

We all have collectively contributed to the mess. Those of us in wealthier countries have contributed more than our share to it. Certainly, I have contributed to the mess and can not pretend that I am honoring the Earth better than anyone else. I don’t know what to do next but do know I can’t ignore my dependence on the Earth any longer.


Making a Connection


A Neighborhood Friend