“ If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven’t spent the night with a mosquito. ” 
   — African Proverb
Quotes Jesse Keeler Quotes Jesse Keeler

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spent the night with a mosquito" -African Proverb

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What Lies Beneath the Surface
My Path, New Thought Jesse Keeler My Path, New Thought Jesse Keeler

What Lies Beneath the Surface

Allow yourself to play in the field of the known and the unknown. To let your curiosity be more powerful than your fear. Because, to borrow a phrase from the Nigerian philosopher Bayo Akumolafe, The mystery of Life is calling you to go into the wilds beyond the fences you’ve erected.

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More Pagan than Christian
Blew my Mind, My Path, New Thought Jesse Keeler Blew my Mind, My Path, New Thought Jesse Keeler

More Pagan than Christian

… if people stay at the level of co-creating material abundance as defined by the dominant social/economic system they remain at the human level of creative intelligence and do not open to the greater Intelligence of the Universe …renewed understanding of Nature's order will thrust us out of our hyper-individualism into community…Allowing us to create with the Intelligence that is beyond our human imagination restoring the harmony…

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First-World Problems
My Path Jesse Keeler My Path Jesse Keeler

First-World Problems

For all the challenges they are definitely first-world problems. My life is a blessing and pray that my deeds share those blessings with others for the best and highest good of All Life.

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Earth's Sweat Lodge
Current Events, Earth Jesse Keeler Current Events, Earth Jesse Keeler

Earth's Sweat Lodge

As human-induced Climate Change breaks the stability of the environment that has allowed our species to flourish, is the Earth giving us pause to remember who our sacred host is as we journey around the Sun? To ask ourselves, what am I doing now to honor Life’s host?

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