Diversity Backed by Unity
There can be diversity without inclusion, and there can be inclusion without a sense of belonging. Belonging is an inadequate word to describe what it means to have a deep, sense of connection with other people.

Stopping to Breathe
Remembering to breathe takes me back to all there really is, the now.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spent the night with a mosquito" -African Proverb

What Lies Beneath the Surface
Allow yourself to play in the field of the known and the unknown. To let your curiosity be more powerful than your fear. Because, to borrow a phrase from the Nigerian philosopher Bayo Akumolafe, The mystery of Life is calling you to go into the wilds beyond the fences you’ve erected.

When Will It Go Away?
Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know. - Pema Chödron

Feeling the Rain or Getting Wet
Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.

Morally Persuasive Power
You have very little morally persuasive power with people who can feel your underlying contempt. — Martin Luther King Jr.

Oneness is the Antidote to Fear
I started to get curious about why I was experiencing the changes going on in my life as fear and anxiety, and not enthusiasm and excitement. … and started to wonder what is the antidote to fear?

Openning to 2023
What divine quality would you like to bring into you 2023? Love? Joy? Peace? Freedom? Abundance? Unity? Choose one to be the guiding principle to light your new year.

Love Makes It Bearable
For small creatures such as we the vastness of the universe is only bearable through love. - Carl Sagan

Statement of Good
Emma Curtis Hopkins, Statement of Good from Scientific Christian Mental Science, Chapter 1 The Statement of Being.
Can Compassion be Idiotic?
Idiot compassion … refers to something we all do a lot of and call it compassion.

Belonging is Unity in Action
Not recognizing and honoring the Unity back of the multiplicity, is the fundamental cause of our society’s ills, like; poverty, violence and abuse, racism, genderism, homophobia, Climate Change and the destruction of a liveable Earth.

Haudenesaunee Thanksgiving Address

The Only Prayer You Need

More Pagan than Christian
… if people stay at the level of co-creating material abundance as defined by the dominant social/economic system they remain at the human level of creative intelligence and do not open to the greater Intelligence of the Universe …renewed understanding of Nature's order will thrust us out of our hyper-individualism into community…Allowing us to create with the Intelligence that is beyond our human imagination restoring the harmony…

Stained Glass Spirit

Walk the Talk of Love
There is a lot of hate being spewed these days, along with some people going further by threatening others in an attempt to control them by making them afraid. If I allow fear to dominate my thoughts the New Thought teaching tells me…

First-World Problems
For all the challenges they are definitely first-world problems. My life is a blessing and pray that my deeds share those blessings with others for the best and highest good of All Life.

Earth's Sweat Lodge
As human-induced Climate Change breaks the stability of the environment that has allowed our species to flourish, is the Earth giving us pause to remember who our sacred host is as we journey around the Sun? To ask ourselves, what am I doing now to honor Life’s host?