Walk the Talk of Love

The other night I had a dream about congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. In my dream, when the people I was with saw her they moved away from her. But I approached her, and asked “Why do you hate me?'' She looked at me and said “I don't hate you.” I replied “The words you speak to the world are hateful towards people like me. You don’t even know me. I'm just a working guy. I'm an American. A fellow citizen. Why do you hate me?”

When I woke up I started thinking about the relationship of fear and hate. That hatred is often spawned from fear, and because of that it is a fundamentally weak position to come from. 

Ernest Holmes wrote in Effective Prayer,

“You should be careful not to fight fear too much but rather, through a sort of flexible imagination, convert fear into faith. … realizing that the energy of fear converted into faith will produce an effect exactly opposite. If you will look at the thing you are afraid of until you really understand it, it will no longer have any element of fear for you.”
(Effective Prayer, pp. 50 - 51)

There is a lot of hate being spewed these days, along with some people going further by threatening others in an attempt to control them by making them afraid. Applying the New Thought teaching I know, if I allow fear to dominate my thoughts I will experience more fear and fear will drive my actions. In turn, that means I am not in my power. I am not living from the deep knowing, the faith that I am an individuation, an expression of the Divine Creative Spirit, the Source of all Life, the entity we call God.

A little later in the same passage Ernest Holmes wrote:

“Love overcomes both hate and fear. However, love does not overcome hate and fear through controversy, argument or force but by a subtle power of transformation, transmutation and implementation. It is invisible in its essence but apparent through its act.”

That is not a passive, wishy-washy, walk-all-over-me type of love. That is a fierce, life-affirming, courageous Love, that the Divine Creative Spirit, the source of Life, the creator of planets and stars, of microbes and water droplets, that created each one of us wants to express through each one of us.

We have what it takes to Love and care for one another beyond appearances, differences and into the Unity back of the multiplicity. That is a world I want to help bring into being.


Stained Glass Spirit


First-World Problems