Openning to 2023
What divine quality would you like to bring into you 2023? Love? Joy? Peace? Freedom? Abundance? Unity? Choose one to be the guiding principle to light your new year.

The Only Prayer You Need

Earth's Sweat Lodge
As human-induced Climate Change breaks the stability of the environment that has allowed our species to flourish, is the Earth giving us pause to remember who our sacred host is as we journey around the Sun? To ask ourselves, what am I doing now to honor Life’s host?

A Neighborhood Friend
As I walked down my suburban street in a state elevated by prayer and being in sacred community the world seemed very alive. I came to a full stop when I saw a face in a tree.

Accept the Gratitude
Expressing gratitude is a fundamental spiritual practice. Not only can it uplift the recipient, but it is a known way of elevating the feelings of the one giving thanks.