Diversity Backed by Unity

My understanding of diversity and inclusion is evolving and expanding. It is clear to me that there can be diversity without inclusion, and there can be inclusion without a sense of belonging. Belonging is an inadequate word to describe what it means to have a deep, sense of connection with other people. It is a word weighted with complexity of meaning; to be owned by someone or something, potentially opening the unhealed wound of slavery. Perhaps, the lack of adequate language to describe a deep sense of connection with other people is indicative of our current social condition which does not fully understand the value of that connection. It is time for new words.

The Centers for Spiritual Living were built on the philosophy and teachings of Ernest Holmes who wrote, 

Multiplicity comes from Unity without breaking up the Unity of the Whole.
— Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, 131.2

Simply meaning that back of the multiplicity, the diversity of creation, there is a Unity, an indivisible wholeness from which everything originates. This diversity of creation that exemplifies Unity does not mean uniformity. A healthy ecosystem demonstrates this principle of diversity and unity. Every seemingly individual, independent thing within that ecosystem is vital to the well-being of the whole. Each “thing” is in relationship to others. Nothing is wasted. The diversity of creation is its nature.

As we face the challenges of our times the ability to direct thought placed in the Consciousness of Source is a powerful skill to expand diversity and develop thriving inclusive communities, and bring to form the world we know the One Mind of Spirit holds for us.


Stopping to Breathe