Oneness is the Antidote to Fear

I woke up the other day feeling anxious. Since I haven’t felt that way in a while, me being me, I started getting anxious about feeling anxious. Somewhere between my racing heart and the circus in my head,  I remembered once being told that our human bodies experience anxiety and excitement in a very similar way. And I started to get curious about why I was experiencing the changes going on in my life as fear and anxiety, and not enthusiasm and excitement.

That curiosity gave me just enough pause to open my spiritual practice toolbox and reach for a better feeling thought. I knew I was feeling fear, and decided what I was afraid of wasn’t as important as reaching for the God quality that is the opposite of fear. I’ve heard people say the opposite of fear is Love. Although that makes sense to me, it hasn’t always resonated with me. 

As things tend to happen, later in the day I was chatting with a woman, and she shared her New Year’s intentions with me. She had written the numbers 2023 vertically and after the zero in 2023 she had written “zero fear”. That zero looked so much like an “o” that I got to wondering if the opposite of fear, the God principle antidote to fear, is Oneness. 

When I’m feeling like I have to do everything on my own, by my own will and volition, rather than in the flow of Spirit’s good grace, I have more fear. I’m prone to anxiety. As opposed to when I am allowing Spirit to flow through me as me, when I allow myself to be part of the Divine Creation that is everywhere and in everything. When I allow myself to be open to the Oneness that is Life, and allow it to flow through me as me, there is no space for fear to fill.


Morally Persuasive Power


Openning to 2023