Evil is Live Backwards
I woke up this morning with a heavy heart. A weight so heavy I could barely lift my body out of bed. My mind was playing a slideshow of images from Ukraine. My emotions played from the depths of a sadness that knows no words. My sense of helplessness echoed the wail.
The two words that keep surfacing are depravity and evil. It has always been difficult for me to understand why some people are so terrified that they must carry guns to go to the market or murder people who have done them no harm. It seems like a form of paranoid mental illness. How utterly powerless the individuals who rape women and children must feel. So disconnected from the Source of life that their only comfort is depraved actions that destroy any form of life.
The desire to spread fear, to rule by fear, is against life itself. Succumbing to fear is to deny Life, a force greater than any one individual or human collective. Allowing fear to rule the heart opens one to evil. Evil is not a force in and of itself, but a disease of the human consciousness. Unchecked it can spread like a cancer. It must be eradicated or the body will succumb to it.
Perhaps the answer is in the semordnilap. Evil spelled backwards is Live. What does it mean to be alive? What sustains Life? How do we Live sustainably and in harmony with one another and the Earth? There are probably many answers to those questions depending on where a person is coming from. The diversity of ideas is healthy. Nature, life Itself, thrives on diversity. But the thing that Nature practices that human society has yet to embrace is there is a unity back of the multiplicity that is essential for a living community to survive.
Blessings to all who are suffering right now and have fallen victim to the depravity of the fear-filled.